Monday, June 27, 2016

WEEK 51 - Update

This week was good.

Tuesday we had a surprise baptism, Porfirio, (David's dad) in the evening. We had actually just both felt inspired to ask him to be baptized after saying goodbye to them on Sunday night. Elder Jones called him and invited him to be baptized and he said yes. We spent the whole day getting ready for that, and then had the baptism.

Wednesday was pretty normal. I said goodbye to Elder Jones. Received my new companion, Elder Santos. He is from Mexico. He is really cool. Kind of quiet but really cool and a great missionary.

Thursday we contacted quite a bit. We ended up finding some really good people and a few less active members.

We had a district meeting. We also went to visit our convert, Josefina, and her daughter was looking really interested. We have started teaching her daughter, and she is going to church frequently. We taught two of the people we contacted, Noreli and Israel. They are both really positive and were very interested.

We taught Ramon and Susanna. They are a couple, Ramon is a member and Susanna is his wife. They would have to get married, but we are working with them. We contacted two people we thought were investigators but they ended up both being members, so we had a little lesson with them.

Sunday we had a ward conference and there were more people there than I have ever seen in this area. Us and the members worked really hard to get a lot of people there. We also taught another lesson with Josefina's daughter, Madeline.

Great week.
Elder Baller

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