1. Do all of the homes in your area have power and water? What do the homes look like?
Most. They are all really close together and they are made of brick or cement.
2. Best and worst part of the week?
Best part was church. It was great to see so many people there. Worst was just being rejected contacting. Always kinda hard.
3. What's the best part about being in the city?
Everything is close. Like everything.
4. Do you wash your own clothes in your current area or does someone do it for you?
We wash our own clothes.
5. Do you ever buy anything from the vendors on the street?
Umm I haven't yet.
Monday, August 29, 2016
WEEK 60 - Update
We had a visit with one of our investigators, Ana. She is doing good. We had a visit with Michelle. She had a few questions about the Plan of Salvation, so we answered those. She is doing really well and progressing a lot. We had a Family Home Evening lesson with some members.
We visited a couple members in the morning. We contacted for quite a while and didn't have a whole ton of success, but we will keep looking. We had a visit with a recent convert, Nefi, and his mom. We had another Family Home Evening visit with some inactive members.
Thursday we worked in one of our areas that is kinda far away. We looked for some people. We met this lady that the missionaries used to visit. She is really smart and wants to learn. We visit Kevin. His whole family are members and he isn't. We talked to him about baptism and he said he wanted to, so we are working with him toward that.
We had district meeting. We found this lady named Alba. She is pretty positive about the gospel. We had another Family Home Evening with a member family.
We contacted a lot on Saturday. We found a couple people that we are going to be working with.
We both gave talks. I talked about the sacrament. My companion talked about making good decisions. We had five investigators at church. Good Gospel Principles class. We visited a few members. One of them said that we were an answer to her prayers in that moment.
Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Baller
We had a visit with one of our investigators, Ana. She is doing good. We had a visit with Michelle. She had a few questions about the Plan of Salvation, so we answered those. She is doing really well and progressing a lot. We had a Family Home Evening lesson with some members.
We visited a couple members in the morning. We contacted for quite a while and didn't have a whole ton of success, but we will keep looking. We had a visit with a recent convert, Nefi, and his mom. We had another Family Home Evening visit with some inactive members.
Thursday we worked in one of our areas that is kinda far away. We looked for some people. We met this lady that the missionaries used to visit. She is really smart and wants to learn. We visit Kevin. His whole family are members and he isn't. We talked to him about baptism and he said he wanted to, so we are working with him toward that.
We had district meeting. We found this lady named Alba. She is pretty positive about the gospel. We had another Family Home Evening with a member family.
We contacted a lot on Saturday. We found a couple people that we are going to be working with.
We both gave talks. I talked about the sacrament. My companion talked about making good decisions. We had five investigators at church. Good Gospel Principles class. We visited a few members. One of them said that we were an answer to her prayers in that moment.
Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Baller
Monday, August 22, 2016
WEEK 59 - Q&A
1. If you have an convert from a former area get sealed, do you get to go attend?
Yep! We have to ask permission but we usually get to go.
2. How often do you do exchanges?
Depends on the leaders.
3. Do you ever fall asleep in church or appointments?
Usually no. Church sometimes gets a little boring and we are so tired that we just rest, but never doze off.
4. Tell us five things about your new companion.
He is from Honduras. He knows almost all the missionaries. He has lots of hidden talents. He is funny. He is a convert of 5 years.
5. What was your favorite thing that happened this last week?
Church was great. Because my companion is new and is a mini-missionary, I am basically training. It is a different experience.
Yep! We have to ask permission but we usually get to go.
2. How often do you do exchanges?
Depends on the leaders.
3. Do you ever fall asleep in church or appointments?
Usually no. Church sometimes gets a little boring and we are so tired that we just rest, but never doze off.
4. Tell us five things about your new companion.
He is from Honduras. He knows almost all the missionaries. He has lots of hidden talents. He is funny. He is a convert of 5 years.
5. What was your favorite thing that happened this last week?
Church was great. Because my companion is new and is a mini-missionary, I am basically training. It is a different experience.
WEEK 59 - Update
So on Monday we got a call that my companion would be having changes so Tuesday we spent getting ready for that and saying goodbye.
We woke up and got ready, then we went to the mission office for the mini-changes. I am now with Elder Padilla, from Nacaome. He is waiting for his mission call. He is super cool. We basically covered our whole area walking and visiting a few people.
We had weekly planning. We contacted for a long time with not a whole ton of success, but we will keep working and looking for people to teach. We helped a lady wash some clothes and clean her house.
We had district meeting. We taught Michelle. She is progressing a lot. She has a lot of questions for us. We had a visit with our ward mission leader and a family that was really good.
We did a ton of visits on Saturday. Visited a bunch of members and a ton of people. Kinda getting to know the area better. The best thing is the members here love us.
Michelle showed up to church about an hour and a half early. The members accepted her really well and she loved it. We did some visits with our Ward Mission Leader.
Have a great week! Love you all!
Elder Baller
So on Monday we got a call that my companion would be having changes so Tuesday we spent getting ready for that and saying goodbye.
We woke up and got ready, then we went to the mission office for the mini-changes. I am now with Elder Padilla, from Nacaome. He is waiting for his mission call. He is super cool. We basically covered our whole area walking and visiting a few people.
We had weekly planning. We contacted for a long time with not a whole ton of success, but we will keep working and looking for people to teach. We helped a lady wash some clothes and clean her house.
We had district meeting. We taught Michelle. She is progressing a lot. She has a lot of questions for us. We had a visit with our ward mission leader and a family that was really good.
We did a ton of visits on Saturday. Visited a bunch of members and a ton of people. Kinda getting to know the area better. The best thing is the members here love us.
Michelle showed up to church about an hour and a half early. The members accepted her really well and she loved it. We did some visits with our Ward Mission Leader.
Have a great week! Love you all!
Elder Baller
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
WEEK 58 - Q&A
1. How many teaching appointments do you have in a typical week?
Depends on the week but normally about 30-35.
2. What percentage of your time is spent teaching investigators vs. less/nonactive members?
60% with investigators and about 40% with members.
3. How much have you heard about the Olympics going on?
Almost nothing. Just soccer. That my Honduran boys are in the Semifinals!
4. Where do you eat your meals in your new area?
The members give us food. We have a calendar where we go to different houses everyday.
5. Do you ever have people pay for your meals at restaurants like people do for missionaries here in Utah?
Hasn't happened to me. I have heard of it but it has never happened to me.
Depends on the week but normally about 30-35.
2. What percentage of your time is spent teaching investigators vs. less/nonactive members?
60% with investigators and about 40% with members.
3. How much have you heard about the Olympics going on?
Almost nothing. Just soccer. That my Honduran boys are in the Semifinals!
4. Where do you eat your meals in your new area?
The members give us food. We have a calendar where we go to different houses everyday.
5. Do you ever have people pay for your meals at restaurants like people do for missionaries here in Utah?
Hasn't happened to me. I have heard of it but it has never happened to me.
WEEK 58 - Update
We had a bunch of good lessons with a few investigators. We taught this lady named Ana, she seems pretty interested. We taught Michel again. She likes listening to us and is really positive.
Wednesday was good. We did divisions with some members. We both went so they could show us where their friends and family and a few other members live.We taught one of our investigators, Luz, she is doing good.
We went and contacted for a little bit in the morning. We had another visit with Michel and she told us that she feels like she needs to get baptized so we are working with her so she can go to church. We had a Family Home Evening with a member family and another one with a couple about the temple.
We had a district meeting in the morning. We went to do a baptism interview for the Zone Leaders. Pretty normal day.
We went and helped an old man clean up his house a little in the morning. After that we went and visited a bunch of members to invite them to church.
Sunday I gave a talk about prayer in sacrament meeting. It was alright. The rest of the day was pretty normal, just visiting a couple members and investigators.
Hope you all have a fantastic week!
Elder Baller
We had a bunch of good lessons with a few investigators. We taught this lady named Ana, she seems pretty interested. We taught Michel again. She likes listening to us and is really positive.
Wednesday was good. We did divisions with some members. We both went so they could show us where their friends and family and a few other members live.We taught one of our investigators, Luz, she is doing good.
We went and contacted for a little bit in the morning. We had another visit with Michel and she told us that she feels like she needs to get baptized so we are working with her so she can go to church. We had a Family Home Evening with a member family and another one with a couple about the temple.
We had a district meeting in the morning. We went to do a baptism interview for the Zone Leaders. Pretty normal day.
We went and helped an old man clean up his house a little in the morning. After that we went and visited a bunch of members to invite them to church.
Sunday I gave a talk about prayer in sacrament meeting. It was alright. The rest of the day was pretty normal, just visiting a couple members and investigators.
Hope you all have a fantastic week!
Elder Baller
Monday, August 8, 2016
WEEK 57 - Q&A
1. What is something you love already about your new area?
The people. They are all super nice and they have all accepted me really kindly.
2. What is the weather like there?
Cold. Haha. Coming from Choluteca it is really cold. It has rained a few times. But usually cloudy and with a breeze.
3. How long has Elder Torres been in the area?
He has one change here so... 6 weeks.
4. What are five things you've learned about Elder Torres?
From Mexico. He is the youngest of 4 siblings. He loves music. He was Elder Santos' companion in the MTC. He is really nice and funny.
5. Tell me about transfer day, start to finish...including your feelings throughout the day.
Started off a little sad saying goodbye to Elder Santos. He was a great companion. Then in the bus saying hi to all the people that had changes are were on the bus. Then just talking with all them I was happy. Then all of a sudden it hit me that I was out of the place where I had spent the last 6 months of my life. It was a weird feeling. Got kinda sick to my stomach thinking about basically starting over again.
The people. They are all super nice and they have all accepted me really kindly.
2. What is the weather like there?
Cold. Haha. Coming from Choluteca it is really cold. It has rained a few times. But usually cloudy and with a breeze.
3. How long has Elder Torres been in the area?
He has one change here so... 6 weeks.
4. What are five things you've learned about Elder Torres?
From Mexico. He is the youngest of 4 siblings. He loves music. He was Elder Santos' companion in the MTC. He is really nice and funny.
5. Tell me about transfer day, start to finish...including your feelings throughout the day.
Started off a little sad saying goodbye to Elder Santos. He was a great companion. Then in the bus saying hi to all the people that had changes are were on the bus. Then just talking with all them I was happy. Then all of a sudden it hit me that I was out of the place where I had spent the last 6 months of my life. It was a weird feeling. Got kinda sick to my stomach thinking about basically starting over again.
WEEK 57 - Changes!
Tuesday spent all day saying goodbye to all the people in Yusguare. It was hard to say goodbye but it was a good day.
On the bus all morning heading up to Tegucigalpa. My new area is La Trinidad in Valle de Angeles. It is a great area. I am loving it so far. We went to a couple members houses so I could meet them and contacted for a little while.
We had weekly planning. The stake has a plan to do Family Home Evening lessons with members and have the members invite people so we are working a lot with that. This area is super hilly. Lots of hills and stairs. The people here are awesome. We went to do a baptism interview for the Zone Leaders.
We had a district meeting. It was a good meeting. Talked about the Spirit and the Family Home Evening plan. We went and had a lesson with an investigator that we had contacted, Michel, she is really positive and has questions about the real true church. We had a couple Family Home Evening lessons with some families.
We went and helped this old man clean his house in the morning. He can't walk and so we helped him out. We contacted a little more. We are trying to just talk to as many people as we can. We had a lesson with a new investigator, Edil, his whole family are members and he has been having problems in his life. The Gospel really can help him and he is ready to make changes.
Sunday was really great. This ward is about the same size as Yusguare. Testimony meeting and classes. I might end up playing the piano a little in this ward even though I am not good. Haha. We had a meeting with our ward mission leader.
I am doing great, hope you all are as well! Love you all. Have a great week!
Elder Baller
Tuesday spent all day saying goodbye to all the people in Yusguare. It was hard to say goodbye but it was a good day.
On the bus all morning heading up to Tegucigalpa. My new area is La Trinidad in Valle de Angeles. It is a great area. I am loving it so far. We went to a couple members houses so I could meet them and contacted for a little while.
We had weekly planning. The stake has a plan to do Family Home Evening lessons with members and have the members invite people so we are working a lot with that. This area is super hilly. Lots of hills and stairs. The people here are awesome. We went to do a baptism interview for the Zone Leaders.
We had a district meeting. It was a good meeting. Talked about the Spirit and the Family Home Evening plan. We went and had a lesson with an investigator that we had contacted, Michel, she is really positive and has questions about the real true church. We had a couple Family Home Evening lessons with some families.
We went and helped this old man clean his house in the morning. He can't walk and so we helped him out. We contacted a little more. We are trying to just talk to as many people as we can. We had a lesson with a new investigator, Edil, his whole family are members and he has been having problems in his life. The Gospel really can help him and he is ready to make changes.
Sunday was really great. This ward is about the same size as Yusguare. Testimony meeting and classes. I might end up playing the piano a little in this ward even though I am not good. Haha. We had a meeting with our ward mission leader.
I am doing great, hope you all are as well! Love you all. Have a great week!
Elder Baller
Monday, August 1, 2016
WEEK 56 - Photos
We got captions for the photos from Elder Baller's last week in Yusguare. He loved this area and was sad to leave.
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This is Aidan's Choluteca "mom," Ana. So grateful for all she has done for him! |
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Rita, Alexandra & Yuli |
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Delma and her daughter Ariana |
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Josefina, Madeline, Elizabeth, Noel, and the guy that works in their store |
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Jefry |
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Jefry, Joselin and Rosita |
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Josefina, Madeline, Elizabeth, Noel, and the guy that works in their store |
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Alexis |
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Montesino Family. Jersy, Marta, and Yerlin |
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Leandro, Eduardo, and Cristian |
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Grebil |
WEEK 56 - Q&A
1. Name someone from before your mission who helped strengthen your testimony, and how?
Joe Morrison. He was my Young Mens President for a while and he helped me out a lot.
2. Same question, about the CCM?
Elder Speth. Such a great example of service.
3. Same question, about Danli?
The bishop. Bishop Zavala. He worked so much and even though he worked he would always make himself available to serve and help.
4. Same question, about your current area?
Our investigator, Delma, she just wants to learn and change her life.
5. Enjoy your last days in Yusguare! How excited are you to pack up your stuff?
Joe Morrison. He was my Young Mens President for a while and he helped me out a lot.
Elder Speth. Such a great example of service.
3. Same question, about Danli?
The bishop. Bishop Zavala. He worked so much and even though he worked he would always make himself available to serve and help.
4. Same question, about your current area?
Our investigator, Delma, she just wants to learn and change her life.
5. Enjoy your last days in Yusguare! How excited are you to pack up your stuff?
WEEK 56 - Update
This week was really good.
We visited Cristian everyday this week because it was his baptism this week. We had some good lessons with him. We went and visited David and taught him how to contact someone. We had a great lesson with Marvin and Dulce, and they both accepted baptism invitations. We had a fantastic lesson with Delma, she has so much interest in the gospel and she loves listening to us and she studies a ton. Probably one of the best, if not the best, investigator, I have had so far.
We visited Irania. She is good. She has interest in the gospel as well, she is just a little scared of what her family and neighbors would think of her. We taught Josue about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he asked us a lot of good questions.
We had another good lesson with Marvin and Dulce, they are a couple, and would have to get married. But they are great people and very smart. We taught Josue again about the Restoration. He accepted a baptism challenge and baptism date. August 13th!
We had district meeting on Friday, we learned about teaching short parts of lessons to help people with their needs. We went and did the baptism interview for Cristian. He is great.
We had Cristian's baptism. Elder Santos baptized him. I directed and gave a talk. It was a great experience.
By surprise, we ended up teaching Sunday School to the adults, which was weird. It was a good class about conversion, feel like we aren't used to teach classes like that, just to investigators. Very weird. We had another lesson with Delma. She accepted a baptism date. So incredible.
Love you all. Have a fantastic week!
We visited Cristian everyday this week because it was his baptism this week. We had some good lessons with him. We went and visited David and taught him how to contact someone. We had a great lesson with Marvin and Dulce, and they both accepted baptism invitations. We had a fantastic lesson with Delma, she has so much interest in the gospel and she loves listening to us and she studies a ton. Probably one of the best, if not the best, investigator, I have had so far.
We visited Irania. She is good. She has interest in the gospel as well, she is just a little scared of what her family and neighbors would think of her. We taught Josue about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he asked us a lot of good questions.
We had another good lesson with Marvin and Dulce, they are a couple, and would have to get married. But they are great people and very smart. We taught Josue again about the Restoration. He accepted a baptism challenge and baptism date. August 13th!
We had district meeting on Friday, we learned about teaching short parts of lessons to help people with their needs. We went and did the baptism interview for Cristian. He is great.
We had Cristian's baptism. Elder Santos baptized him. I directed and gave a talk. It was a great experience.
By surprise, we ended up teaching Sunday School to the adults, which was weird. It was a good class about conversion, feel like we aren't used to teach classes like that, just to investigators. Very weird. We had another lesson with Delma. She accepted a baptism date. So incredible.
Love you all. Have a fantastic week!