Yep! We have to ask permission but we usually get to go.
2. How often do you do exchanges?
Depends on the leaders.
3. Do you ever fall asleep in church or appointments?
Usually no. Church sometimes gets a little boring and we are so tired that we just rest, but never doze off.
4. Tell us five things about your new companion.
He is from Honduras. He knows almost all the missionaries. He has lots of hidden talents. He is funny. He is a convert of 5 years.
5. What was your favorite thing that happened this last week?
Church was great. Because my companion is new and is a mini-missionary, I am basically training. It is a different experience.
What is a mini-missionary?
A mini-missionary is a member (usually a Priest or someone preparing for a mission) who is assigned in a temporary companionship. This usually happens when a missionary leaves the mission mid-change. In this case, three missionaries went home mid-change, and so a few companionships were shifted around. Aidan's companion was transferred to another area and Aidan was assigned a "mini-missionary" for the rest of the change, which will be about four weeks. Hope this answers your question!
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