Tuesday, August 16, 2016

WEEK 58 - Update

We had a bunch of good lessons with a few investigators. We taught this lady named Ana, she seems pretty interested. We taught Michel again. She likes listening to us and is really positive.

Wednesday was good. We did divisions with some members. We both went so they could show us where their friends and family and a few other members live.We taught one of our investigators, Luz, she is doing good.

We went and contacted for a little bit in the morning. We had another visit with Michel and she told us that she feels like she needs to get baptized so we are working with her so she can go to church. We had a Family Home Evening with a member family and another one with a couple about the temple.

We had a district meeting in the morning. We went to do a baptism interview for the Zone Leaders. Pretty normal day.

We went and helped an old man clean up his house a little in the morning. After that we went and visited a bunch of members to invite them to church.

Sunday I gave a talk about prayer in sacrament meeting. It was alright. The rest of the day was pretty normal, just visiting a couple members and investigators.

Hope you all have a fantastic week!
Elder Baller

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