Monday, August 1, 2016

WEEK 56 - Update

This week was really good.

We visited Cristian everyday this week because it was his baptism this week. We had some good lessons with him. We went and visited David and taught him how to contact someone. We had a great lesson with Marvin and Dulce, and they both accepted baptism invitations. We had a fantastic lesson with Delma, she has so much interest in the gospel and she loves listening to us and she studies a ton. Probably one of the best, if not the best, investigator, I have had so far.

We visited Irania. She is good. She has interest in the gospel as well, she is just a little scared of what her family and  neighbors would think of her. We taught Josue about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he asked us a lot of good questions.

We had another good lesson with Marvin and Dulce, they are a couple, and would have to get married. But they are great people and very smart. We taught Josue again about the Restoration. He accepted a baptism challenge and baptism date. August 13th!

We had district meeting on Friday, we learned about teaching short parts of lessons to help people with their needs. We went and did the baptism interview for Cristian. He is great.

We had Cristian's baptism. Elder Santos baptized him. I directed and gave a talk. It was a great experience.

By surprise, we ended up teaching Sunday School to the adults, which was weird. It was a good class about conversion, feel like we aren't used to teach classes like that, just to investigators. Very weird. We had another lesson with Delma. She accepted a baptism date. So incredible.

Love you all. Have a fantastic week!

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