Monday, August 8, 2016

WEEK 57 - Changes!

Tuesday spent all day saying goodbye to all the people in Yusguare. It was hard to say goodbye but it was a good day.

On the bus all morning heading up to Tegucigalpa. My new area is La Trinidad in Valle de Angeles. It is a great area. I am loving it so far. We went to a couple members houses so I could meet them and contacted for a little while.

We had weekly planning. The stake has a plan to do Family Home Evening lessons with members and have the members invite people so we are working a lot with that. This area is super hilly. Lots of hills and stairs. The people here are awesome. We went to do a baptism interview for the Zone Leaders.

We had a district meeting. It was a good meeting. Talked about the Spirit and the Family Home Evening plan. We went and had a lesson with an investigator that we had contacted, Michel, she is really positive and has questions about the real true church. We had a couple Family Home Evening lessons with some families.

We went and helped this old man clean his house in the morning. He can't walk and so we helped him out. We contacted a little more. We are trying to just talk to as many people as we can. We had a lesson with a new investigator, Edil, his whole family are members and he has been having problems in his life. The Gospel really can help him and he is ready to make changes.

Sunday was really great. This ward is about the same size as Yusguare. Testimony meeting and classes. I might end up playing the piano a little in this ward even though I am not good. Haha. We had a meeting with our ward mission leader.

I am doing great, hope you all are as well! Love you all. Have a great week!

Elder Baller

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