Wednesday, February 1, 2017

WEEK 82 - Photos

From Alison: Elder Jones contacted Elder Real for me and asked him for pictures that he had of his time with Elder Baller. I specifically was hoping for photos of the Christmas decorations they set up in their house. Well, Elder Real sent what I was hoping for and SO much more! Thank you, Cy and Oscar! You guys are the BEST! 
As always, Aidan provided the captions for the photos. Enjoy!

I numbered Elder Real's ties from 30 down so he would put one on every day and when he took it off, he had to pack it in his suitcase. 

This is from the service project we did where we assembled baskets of food for people. This is only about half of what we were able to collect.

Recognition from the service project at the old folks home

Mission Christmas party

Decorating for Christmas

Merry Christmas (paper tree and presents from home for Elder Real and me)

Putting together the baskets

Delivering the baskets with our ward mission leader

Lunch on December 24

Gift exchange 

Christmas Eve with the Estrada family

Pics in front of a really nice house belonging to some members. They are rich. The husband lives in Utah.

Super super nice Honduran house

We sent Aidan and Elder Real a set of gingerbread houses to decorate. They did them with the Estradas

Up on the roof on New Years Eve

New Years fireworks

In a cave, hiking to the waterfalls

Elder Leon and me

The big three - Elder Anderson, Elder Pickron, and Elder Baller


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