Tuesday, February 14, 2017

WEEK 84 - Update

This week was really good.

We had a meeting for leaders. It was really good, we talked about having a vision in the mission and focusing on what we are here for. We went to visit a couple who has a son in the mission but they are not members. We are going to be working more with them.

We visited Yolany, she is doing great. She is a great convert. She is going to seminary every day and working hard in her Personal Progress. We visited Allan, he is having some struggles but we are doing our best to help him out.

We had a stake meeting about missionary work, it was really good and we were able to plan some things for the coming weeks.

We had our district meeting, because we had had the leaders meeting. We and the sisters had to teach. It was really good and everyone taught really really well. We went and did house checks in our zone with the missionary couple in our mission. We had divisions with the Elders from Villa Olimpica. I was with Elder Pickron, from my group, and we had a great time.

We visited the Chacon family, they are doing great. We visited the Zelaya family, they are doing great as well. Kind of a normal day.

We had church. We went to take the sacrament to a family and talked to them for a little while. They are an old couple and they are some of the funnest people in the ward. They are really nice and sweet. We had a fantastic lesson about the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the Zelaya family. We challenged Jaime to be baptized and he said he was going to pray about it, but we feel like he is changing and is getting closer.

Love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Baller

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