Monday, February 27, 2017

WEEK 86 - Update

This week was good.

We spent some time planning for a lesson we had to teach in our interview meeting. We went to visit Gabriela and her cousins. They are doing great and progressing very well.

We went to visit Yolany, she is doing great still. We visit Daniel, he is part of a member family, but he isn't a member. His aunt and cousins are members and they took him to church so we are visiting him. He is very smart and knows quite a bit about the gospel. We visited the Chacon family, the two daughters are members but the parents aren't so we are working with them.

We had interviews with President, it was a great interview. We all gave good classes and it was a great meeting. We went to take some baptism clothes to the sisters. We went to our stake meeting.

We went and visited Bertilia, she is such a funny person. We helped do some service at her house. We visited the Zelaya family, they are doing good. We are working with Jaime to help him realize that he has felt the Spirit.

We went to visit Daniel again. We put a baptism date with him for the 11th of March. We visited Gabriela and she is doing good. Her cousin, Maria Jose, decided she wanted to go to church with us.

Maria Jose went to church. Daniel went to church. It was stake conference, they changed the stake presidency. They both loved it. We had a meeting with Cesar, our ward mission leader, and we planned some upcoming things.

Love you all. Have a great week!
Elder Baller

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