Wednesday, February 1, 2017

WEEK 82 - Update

This week was really good.

We are working really well and finding some new people to teach. We visited the Rodriguez family, where we hadn't been in a while, and are going to start working with them again.

We went to a worldwide missionary transmission, it was very interesting, they talked a lot about doctrine and then about a few new things in the mission, such as, changes in the daily missionary schedule and changes in the numbers that we use.

Very normal day, we visited Yolany, she is doing really well. We had a stake meeting about our zones.

Also very normal day, we are finding new members and new people to teach.

We went to visit a member in our ward, Tania, and her family. She is leaving on her mission to Bolivia this week.

We went to church, it went really well. We went to take the sacrament to a family again, they are such great people. We visited Allan, he is having some problems but we are trying to help him out.

Love you all! 

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