I decided this week to do a kind of day by day thing, so here we go.
Monday was really good. We played basketball at the church. Then we went to lunch at Comedor Totito, which is this restaurant run by a member family. We go there every P Day. They have the BEST carne asada. Then we went to IPF, which is where we have internet. After that we went to a "grocery store" called La Dispensa. It was chaos, but it was great. After that we went looking for a lady we contacted named Alejandra, but couldn't remember what house she lived in, so we guessed. There ending up being a girl there named Alejandra, she goes by Miselsy, that has basically taken all the missionary lessons, and really wants to be baptized... umm what... Inspiration or what. After that we went to dinner at a member's house. They didn't have much so they gave us bread with eggs, beans, and avocado on it.
On Monday night when we planned, I wrote in my agenda for Tuesday, "Today is going to be a good day." I think the He tested me a little bit with that one, cause that was a hard day. But I made the most out of it. In the morning we went to the house of an abuelita, named Christina, in our Ward to chop some stuff. I had basically a hoe and Elder Alarcón had a machete. He ended up chopping her lemon and zavila, her two favorite plants. She actually ended up inviting us to dinner every Thursday night. LOL. After that we went to Arauli with Samuel, our líder misional. It was actually really good. His girlfriend didn't believe him that he was with the missionaries so we took a selfie with him. LOL.
Wednesday was not super eventful. We taught Miselsy again, and at the end of the lesson, she was like "I want to give you a hug"... Umm I just stood there awkwardly and said, "Ummmm no puedo, lo siento." That was interesting. It rained. Hard. Like crazy. There was a river in the calle 30 seconds after it started raining. And all the lights in the city went out. Lovely.
It rained. A lot. Again. Not much else happened. We were going to watch Meet the Mormons with investigators and less actives, but no one came.. so that was fun. We also had dinner with Hermana Christina. For some reason Elder Alarcón doesn't like tortillas but she told us we have to eat everything. So I ended up sneaking his tortillas because he wouldn't eat them. So I had 8.
On Friday we went to Arauli again. It is super fun to go there cause we have to take a taxi to the bottom of the mountain and then take a little mototaxi up to the city. It is great. For lunch we made baleadas. Dang. I am making them for everyone reading this when I get back. And on the way back from Arauli, we took the bus. I was literally a foot taller than everyone else on the bus. No joke. I feel like giant here. It's awesome. And I also washed my towel in a pila. Which was different, cause we have a lady in our ward who washes our clothes.
On Saturday we went to the Hermanas that we kinda share an área with. They are both super sick, and they have a ton of weeds in front and back of their house, so we thought that is what was causing it. So we chopped most of it down. It took three hours, and we still have more. Blister heaven. Pics to come, courtesy of my mother. Also spider, frog, and gecko heaven in the weeds. Splendid.
Church was amazing. We finally had investigators at church. FIVE! Oh, we were so happy. So good. Also we fasted, which was easier than you might think. Just the lack of wáter was killer. Mentioning lack of wáter, we didn't have any to shower with. So we didn't shower. But we did go to San Angel to meet with one of our investigators, and she wasn't there but her sister in law was. And she is super awesome. She is basically ready to be baptized, she accepted everything we taught. The Lord Works in mysterious ways.
Love you all and miss you all so much.
Elder Baller