1. Do you send a weekly report to President Bowler? How long is it and what info do you include?
We all write an email weekly to President. I honestly don't write a whole lot, but basically just how I feel.
2. What was something that made you laugh this week?
Kids always make me laugh and they love me so I am always playing and talking to them.
3. Tell me more about Elder Alarcon. How many siblings does he have? Has he been a member all his life? What are his plans after his mission?
He has two older sisters. He has been a member all his life, almost, but he was inactive for many years. He is going to get married, obvi, and study to become a doctor.
4. What specific things are on your P day agenda? How do you get to each place/errand?
Normally we write and buy stuff at the grocery store. We walk or take a taxi always. Sometimes we play soccer or basketball, stuff like that.
5. How many wards/branches attend the stake center by you? Do you attend all of them? Rotate between them?
Just our ward attends the stake center. There are 6 buildings in Danli. Ours, Los Arcos, Bella Vista, Conce, Buena Esperanza, and Paraiso. Each has it's own ward.
Monday, October 26, 2015
WEEK 16 - Photos
Still waiting on captions from Elder Baller for these photos, but wanted to post them anyway. He looks SO great! Love his new haircut and LOVE that he got to perform his second baptism of his mission this week. So proud of him!
Tuesday was pretty good. We taught this lady that before wanted absolutely nothing with the church and now she is very interested and wants to get baptized. It really showed me how the Lord and the Spirit can touch the hearts of the people. We cleaned the church with our zone leaders for the conference on Wednesday as well.
We had zone conference, we learned a lot about safety and about how we need to simplify the work and get back to the basics. I did divisions with our zone leader because we needed an interview, that was good. At night we did Family Home Evening with investigators in the house of members, that was really good as well.
Thursday we went and worked in Ocoba. Which is always really great. At night we played soccer with our neighbors.
Friday we worked in Urrutia, which is incredible always. Our convert, Eidy, is helping us with her sister and her friends, who all want to be baptized, she is such a great example and missionary. We ended up walking all the way to the main road because we missed the bus, we were waiting for Eidy's sister and she comes on the last bus.
Saturday we cleaned the font in the morning. We had the baptism for David in the evening, and I had the chance to do it again. It was so fantastic.
Sunday we had lunch at our house with some future missionaries because it was one of their birthdays. We worked in Urrutia again because it is so great.
Great week. Love you all. Miss you all.
Elder Baller
Tuesday was pretty good. We taught this lady that before wanted absolutely nothing with the church and now she is very interested and wants to get baptized. It really showed me how the Lord and the Spirit can touch the hearts of the people. We cleaned the church with our zone leaders for the conference on Wednesday as well.
We had zone conference, we learned a lot about safety and about how we need to simplify the work and get back to the basics. I did divisions with our zone leader because we needed an interview, that was good. At night we did Family Home Evening with investigators in the house of members, that was really good as well.
Thursday we went and worked in Ocoba. Which is always really great. At night we played soccer with our neighbors.
Friday we worked in Urrutia, which is incredible always. Our convert, Eidy, is helping us with her sister and her friends, who all want to be baptized, she is such a great example and missionary. We ended up walking all the way to the main road because we missed the bus, we were waiting for Eidy's sister and she comes on the last bus.
Saturday we cleaned the font in the morning. We had the baptism for David in the evening, and I had the chance to do it again. It was so fantastic.
Sunday we had lunch at our house with some future missionaries because it was one of their birthdays. We worked in Urrutia again because it is so great.
Great week. Love you all. Miss you all.
Elder Baller
Monday, October 19, 2015
WEEK 15 - Q&A
1. What has been your biggest challenge this week?
My biggest challenge is still I am uncomfortable with Spanish. It is so hard to learn and study and be a missionary all at the same time.
2. What has been your biggest success?
My biggest success I can honestly say is that I have gotten myself commited to study and really dive into the Book of Mormon, I have realized that there is so much there that I didn't ever know was there.
3. Who has been your favorite person this week? Why?
My favorite person this week is our convert Eidy. She is amazing and is helping us teach her sister and she always comes to church and she has a calling.
4. What are you looking forward to this coming week?
We have a baptism this week so that should be really really great.
5. Do you have a goal set for this coming week? Tell me about it.
My goal this week is to become more comfortable with my Spanish and talk more during contacting and lessons.
My biggest challenge is still I am uncomfortable with Spanish. It is so hard to learn and study and be a missionary all at the same time.
2. What has been your biggest success?
My biggest success I can honestly say is that I have gotten myself commited to study and really dive into the Book of Mormon, I have realized that there is so much there that I didn't ever know was there.
3. Who has been your favorite person this week? Why?
My favorite person this week is our convert Eidy. She is amazing and is helping us teach her sister and she always comes to church and she has a calling.
4. What are you looking forward to this coming week?
We have a baptism this week so that should be really really great.
5. Do you have a goal set for this coming week? Tell me about it.
My goal this week is to become more comfortable with my Spanish and talk more during contacting and lessons.
WEEK 15 - Photos
I have added Aidan's captions to these photos in his own words. <3
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This is a picture of a printed picture from a baptism because I couldn't take any with my camera. |
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This is a view in an area called Ocoba (sp?) |
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Selfie from yours truly |
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The aftermath of doing service. It was so muddy that the mud seeped through my shoes and my socks. It got my feet so dirty, as you can see. |
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You've heard of farmer's tan. This is the missionary service tan. Line from my shorts, line from my socks. This hurt pretty bad. My neck is actually worse. |
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I wrote all of these colors in English and Spanish with my comp |
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All the body parts. I thought you guys might enjoy the picture of the face in the top right corner. Kinda funny. |
WEEK 15 - Great Week!
Tuesday we had a meeting with the Assistants, they basically wanted to help us because we are changing a couple things in the mission to get back to the basics. We have been kinda getting away from doing the simple things so we are going to start doing those things again.
We did service for a lady in our ward, in the Hermanas' area. They weren't too happy about that. But the service was great and the lady fed us lunch. After that we were meeting with one of our investigators and he had read 5 chapters of the Book of Mormon and watched a video of Joseph Smith that we left for them to watch. He is awesome.
Thursday we worked in an area called Ocoba, it is super far away but it is really great. In the afternoon we taught an investigator that up to now has been really really hard. But she is finally starting to be more receptive and the Spirit really has touched her heart.
Friday we dug a huge hole because they are putting posts in Urrutia so they can have power. It was the muddiest, dirtiest, wettest I've ever been, but it was fantastic.
We had the Priest and Adult Sessions of Stake Conference on Saturday, they were really really good and again they talked about getting back to basics and they talked about Family History a lot. We have been using that and that is really a key in this gospel. No one is going to reject their family, so we can talk about their family always.
Sunday we had Stake Conference again. It was fantastic. In the morning we actually went to give a blessing to an Hermana cause she is having a really hard time and she is kinda really sick. But I was just thinking about how important and powerful the Priesthood is, it really is the power of God on the earth. Amazing to think about that. Sunday we also did divisions with some future missionaries. It forced me to talk more because I was teaching him how to do it. It was great and it showed me that the Lord answers prayers and gives us opportunities to grow always.
I love you all. Miss you all. The Church is true!
Tuesday we had a meeting with the Assistants, they basically wanted to help us because we are changing a couple things in the mission to get back to the basics. We have been kinda getting away from doing the simple things so we are going to start doing those things again.
We did service for a lady in our ward, in the Hermanas' area. They weren't too happy about that. But the service was great and the lady fed us lunch. After that we were meeting with one of our investigators and he had read 5 chapters of the Book of Mormon and watched a video of Joseph Smith that we left for them to watch. He is awesome.
Thursday we worked in an area called Ocoba, it is super far away but it is really great. In the afternoon we taught an investigator that up to now has been really really hard. But she is finally starting to be more receptive and the Spirit really has touched her heart.
Friday we dug a huge hole because they are putting posts in Urrutia so they can have power. It was the muddiest, dirtiest, wettest I've ever been, but it was fantastic.
We had the Priest and Adult Sessions of Stake Conference on Saturday, they were really really good and again they talked about getting back to basics and they talked about Family History a lot. We have been using that and that is really a key in this gospel. No one is going to reject their family, so we can talk about their family always.
Sunday we had Stake Conference again. It was fantastic. In the morning we actually went to give a blessing to an Hermana cause she is having a really hard time and she is kinda really sick. But I was just thinking about how important and powerful the Priesthood is, it really is the power of God on the earth. Amazing to think about that. Sunday we also did divisions with some future missionaries. It forced me to talk more because I was teaching him how to do it. It was great and it showed me that the Lord answers prayers and gives us opportunities to grow always.
I love you all. Miss you all. The Church is true!
Monday, October 12, 2015
WEEK 14 - Q&A
We have been asking for friends and family to send questions to me (Alison) they would like Aidan to answer. THANK YOU to all the people who have been sending them! It's been fun to read your questions (and Aidan's responses). If you have a question you'd like answered, email me at alisonf76@gmail.com or text it to me. Thanks!
1. Aliese Leslie - What is the best thing to hear in your emails?
The best thing to hear about is literally just life. I have no idea what is going on over there so I just love to hear about anything, what people are doing, what is changing, and just life. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE pictures.
2. Aliese Leslie - What is something you DON'T want to hear in emails/letters?
Basically the only thing I don't want to hear is... nothing. I can't think of anything that I wouldn't want to hear. I love hearing about everything.
3. Aliese Leslie - What do you want us to specifically pray for for you?
Something that I can always use is patience, the mission is a great lesson of patience. So a few prayers to help me be more patient would be lovely. :)
4. Rikke Kotter - How long are you considered a "Greenie" and why is it called that in the first place?
I'll be honest, I have actually never heard that term here in the mission, but you are basically considered new until you are friends with the other missionaries and have at least one change (transfer) in the mission. But people say that they still feel new at 15 months, so who knows.
5. Rikke Kotter - Do the other missionaries play jokes on the Green Beans and if so what's the best one you've seen or experienced so far?
They actually only do stuff that will help them, mostly putting them in situations where they have to talk to people. Like knocking a door and walking away, leaving basically just the new missionary to talk, and then coming back to help of course. I have had that done to me a couple times.
1. Aliese Leslie - What is the best thing to hear in your emails?
The best thing to hear about is literally just life. I have no idea what is going on over there so I just love to hear about anything, what people are doing, what is changing, and just life. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE pictures.
2. Aliese Leslie - What is something you DON'T want to hear in emails/letters?
Basically the only thing I don't want to hear is... nothing. I can't think of anything that I wouldn't want to hear. I love hearing about everything.
3. Aliese Leslie - What do you want us to specifically pray for for you?
Something that I can always use is patience, the mission is a great lesson of patience. So a few prayers to help me be more patient would be lovely. :)
4. Rikke Kotter - How long are you considered a "Greenie" and why is it called that in the first place?
I'll be honest, I have actually never heard that term here in the mission, but you are basically considered new until you are friends with the other missionaries and have at least one change (transfer) in the mission. But people say that they still feel new at 15 months, so who knows.
5. Rikke Kotter - Do the other missionaries play jokes on the Green Beans and if so what's the best one you've seen or experienced so far?
They actually only do stuff that will help them, mostly putting them in situations where they have to talk to people. Like knocking a door and walking away, leaving basically just the new missionary to talk, and then coming back to help of course. I have had that done to me a couple times.
WEEK 14 - Fantastic Week
This week was fantastic.
Tuesday we had the opportunity to go to Urrutia, which is our area most far away, and the most positive. We found a lot of wonderful new investigators there. It really showed me and strengthened my testimony of how the Lord prepares His children to hear the message of His Gospel.
Wednesday we worked with a member of the ward that is preparing to serve a mission. We did quite a bit of service -- we helped some people nail a tarp under their roof to help with the rain, we also chopped with machetes again, like we do every Wednesday. We asked Carlos, the future missionary, to bear his testimony of the Book of Mormon in a lesson. It was so great. I felt the Spirit so strong and really made me realize how important the Restoration is. Joseph Smith really was a prophet.
Thursday I completed three months in the mission. It seems so crazy that it has been that long. It was also our zone meeting which was really good. After that we had our baptism interview with Kimberly, which went really well. We tried to contact after that and literally everyone was rejecting us. It showed me that the mission isn't always super duper easy, almost never, but with His help, we can get through and do anything.
We made pizza on Friday and it was super duper good. We used the oven of a member; I am the only person who knows how to use an oven here. LOL. We also worked with Carlos again. He is great and he is going to be an amazing missionary.
Saturday was a crazy day. We cleaned the font in the morning and then we had the baptism in the afternoon. I had the opportunity to baptize for the first time. I was really really nervous, and basically completely forgot how to baptize. But it was fantastic.
Sunday we had church, which is always fantastic. I love being able to go there and feel the Spirit almost immediately after walking in.
I have been studying the Book of Mormon and I would encourage all reading this to really read that book. Really really read it. My testimony has been strengthened so much from studying it.
Love you all so much. Miss you all so much.
Elder Baller
Tuesday we had the opportunity to go to Urrutia, which is our area most far away, and the most positive. We found a lot of wonderful new investigators there. It really showed me and strengthened my testimony of how the Lord prepares His children to hear the message of His Gospel.
Wednesday we worked with a member of the ward that is preparing to serve a mission. We did quite a bit of service -- we helped some people nail a tarp under their roof to help with the rain, we also chopped with machetes again, like we do every Wednesday. We asked Carlos, the future missionary, to bear his testimony of the Book of Mormon in a lesson. It was so great. I felt the Spirit so strong and really made me realize how important the Restoration is. Joseph Smith really was a prophet.
Thursday I completed three months in the mission. It seems so crazy that it has been that long. It was also our zone meeting which was really good. After that we had our baptism interview with Kimberly, which went really well. We tried to contact after that and literally everyone was rejecting us. It showed me that the mission isn't always super duper easy, almost never, but with His help, we can get through and do anything.
We made pizza on Friday and it was super duper good. We used the oven of a member; I am the only person who knows how to use an oven here. LOL. We also worked with Carlos again. He is great and he is going to be an amazing missionary.
Saturday was a crazy day. We cleaned the font in the morning and then we had the baptism in the afternoon. I had the opportunity to baptize for the first time. I was really really nervous, and basically completely forgot how to baptize. But it was fantastic.
Sunday we had church, which is always fantastic. I love being able to go there and feel the Spirit almost immediately after walking in.
I have been studying the Book of Mormon and I would encourage all reading this to really read that book. Really really read it. My testimony has been strengthened so much from studying it.
Love you all so much. Miss you all so much.
Elder Baller
Monday, October 5, 2015
WEEK 13 - Hello
Hello everyone, this week was quite lovely.
Tuesday morning was basically just waiting for a call from the Zone Leaders to see who has changes in our district. When it finally came, we found out that two Hermanas in our district had changes--one in our ward, which we were sad about. The rest of the day, we just worked normally because we didn't have changes. We went to one of our investigator's house at around 7 and we had dinner at 8 at a member's. We ended up talking to him until 8:30 because he loves to talk.
Wednesday we decided to try out a new area, Ocoba, that we have driven through but never actually stayed in. It is awesome. Very, very positive work there. Then we went and did some service for an investigator, chopping the weeds on the side of his house. By now my hands don't hurt cause they are so accustomed to the machete. Finally. Then we went and talked with the same investigator again because he is super, super positive and will be getting baptized this Saturday or the next. And because we talked with him until 9 this time, we went to dinner and she just gave us the plates and we went home and ate there.
We got new people in our zone, which is awesome. We got a new ZL and two new Hermanas in our district. We went to the Chinese place again for lunch. What the weird. Then we went to Ocoba again.
Friday we just worked, nothing really special. Our convert is reading the Book of Mormon on her own, which is awesome.
Saturday we had conference. It is a super chill weekend for us. We all meet at the stake center and all the gringos got to watch it in English together. Everyone just kinda hangs out cause their areas are so far away. Super super fun.
Sunday was the same. We brought investigators to watch conference. In the middle of conference, the power went out. It was crazy. Great day.
Love you all so much. Miss you all.
Elder Baller
Tuesday morning was basically just waiting for a call from the Zone Leaders to see who has changes in our district. When it finally came, we found out that two Hermanas in our district had changes--one in our ward, which we were sad about. The rest of the day, we just worked normally because we didn't have changes. We went to one of our investigator's house at around 7 and we had dinner at 8 at a member's. We ended up talking to him until 8:30 because he loves to talk.
Wednesday we decided to try out a new area, Ocoba, that we have driven through but never actually stayed in. It is awesome. Very, very positive work there. Then we went and did some service for an investigator, chopping the weeds on the side of his house. By now my hands don't hurt cause they are so accustomed to the machete. Finally. Then we went and talked with the same investigator again because he is super, super positive and will be getting baptized this Saturday or the next. And because we talked with him until 9 this time, we went to dinner and she just gave us the plates and we went home and ate there.
We got new people in our zone, which is awesome. We got a new ZL and two new Hermanas in our district. We went to the Chinese place again for lunch. What the weird. Then we went to Ocoba again.
Friday we just worked, nothing really special. Our convert is reading the Book of Mormon on her own, which is awesome.
Saturday we had conference. It is a super chill weekend for us. We all meet at the stake center and all the gringos got to watch it in English together. Everyone just kinda hangs out cause their areas are so far away. Super super fun.
Sunday was the same. We brought investigators to watch conference. In the middle of conference, the power went out. It was crazy. Great day.
Love you all so much. Miss you all.
Elder Baller
WEEK 13 - Q&A
1. Andrew - What has been your most spiritual experience so far?
My favorite experience really wasn't mine. We took an hermano who is going to be a missionary pretty soon, and we asked him to bear his testimony of the BOM and Joseph Smith. It was super super powerful, we all felt the Spirit so strong.
2. Lisa Simons - Where did you want conference and what was your favorite talk?
We watched conference at the stake center on a little TV. My favorite talk was from Elder Bednar, I loved it. But also Elder Andersen during the Priesthood session, just the simplicity and his testimony of faith was incredible.
3. Rikke Kotter - What is the weirdest/grossest thing you have eaten so far?
Mashed corn, like mashed potatoes. In a cup mixed with mayonnaise. Or pasta with BBQ sauce as the sauce.
4. Za'Dariah Dennison - What are ways you relieve your stress while out on the mission?
One of the best ways is through prayer. There is real power in prayer and through prayer we can achieve anything. Whenever I am having a hard time, it is really relieving to just pray quickly and receive the comfort of the Spirit.
5. Suzy Baller - What is your favorite thing about your mission president? And his wife?
I honestly don't have a whole lot of contact with them as of yet, but Hermana Bowler is so loving and kind to all the missionaries, always willing to help with anything that we need.
My favorite experience really wasn't mine. We took an hermano who is going to be a missionary pretty soon, and we asked him to bear his testimony of the BOM and Joseph Smith. It was super super powerful, we all felt the Spirit so strong.
2. Lisa Simons - Where did you want conference and what was your favorite talk?
We watched conference at the stake center on a little TV. My favorite talk was from Elder Bednar, I loved it. But also Elder Andersen during the Priesthood session, just the simplicity and his testimony of faith was incredible.
3. Rikke Kotter - What is the weirdest/grossest thing you have eaten so far?
Mashed corn, like mashed potatoes. In a cup mixed with mayonnaise. Or pasta with BBQ sauce as the sauce.
4. Za'Dariah Dennison - What are ways you relieve your stress while out on the mission?
One of the best ways is through prayer. There is real power in prayer and through prayer we can achieve anything. Whenever I am having a hard time, it is really relieving to just pray quickly and receive the comfort of the Spirit.
5. Suzy Baller - What is your favorite thing about your mission president? And his wife?
I honestly don't have a whole lot of contact with them as of yet, but Hermana Bowler is so loving and kind to all the missionaries, always willing to help with anything that we need.