Don't be confused by the title of this email. I did not have changes, my companion either. We will be here until December, when he leaves. :( I will basically for sure be here until February.
We found out the changes on Tuesday, not very many people have changes because this change is only 4 weeks. We were going to work in Urrutia but after we visit two people on the way there, my companion was feeling really weak and sick so we went home and rested. I washed clothes and talked with our neighbors for a long time.
We did a baptism interview for a companionship in our district because my companion is our District Leader. It was really good and I was talking with the dad of the two kids that were going to be baptized. At night we went to the church to grab the keys for Thursday and we ended up playing basketball a little bit while we waited. I basically destroyed. ;)
We had a district meeting, which was super duper good. We worked in Ocoba, with not a whole lot of success, but the only member that lives there made us Baleadas for lunch, soooo good. The Hermanas that had baptisms on Saturday called us and told us that the two kids wanted me to baptize them. Ummm what. And a kid from another ward that is getting baptized wants me to do it, and another one from a different ward. I have literally never met them so I have no idea how that happened.
We were doing service for a member and he is building a house and he needed some space so we were cutting down a tree, this guy came with a machete and chopped down the tree in like two minutes and it ended up knocking down like 3 other trees. We were visiting a family in Urrutia that we have baptized the two daughters and are working with the rest of the family, one of the daughters has a little girl and I have been trying to gain her confidence, and I finally did it. Now she loves to play with me, she is almost 1.
Saturday was totally normal and nothing exciting happened.
Sunday we had church and we had 7 investigators at church. Our first class is Gospel Principles and I was grabbing a bunch of stuff for the class and walked in like as they were starting. And our ward mission leader, who was directing the meeting was like, Then we are going to have a class from Elder Baller. I was like, ummmm, because I hadn't prepared anything. I literally didn't even know what chapter of the manual we were on. But after he told me that our church believes in revelation and he felt I should teach it. Very cool experience.
Love you all. Miss you all.
Elder Baller