1. If the Weather Channel is correct, it is rainy there this week, which seems to have cooled it down to about 95 degrees. Describe a rainy day there... what do you do differently, if anything? Do you wear your rubber shoe covers? Have you used your shoe dryer? Do you like when it rains? How do you make sure all of your stuff stays dry?
It is hot. We don't do anything different. We work rain or shine. I haven't used anything cause it has only rained once. But May is winter so it will rain a lot in May. It is still super hot.
2. Is crime an issue in Choluteca or is it pretty safe? What precautions do you take to avoid being robbed?
Here it is pretty safe. Nothing every really happens. We just do the normal stuff like not walk late at night, stay in the light, and not carry too heavy bags.
3. What is the most beautiful thing you've seen in your current area?
In one part of our area there are TONS of mango trees. Like tons. It is so awesome and right now is mango season so they are all falling.
4. When are changes? Are you hoping to be transferred or would you like to stay put?
Changes are the 10th of May. I am staying here for sure so I will be receiving someone else. I am super excited to keep working here.
5. What was the best part of your week?
The best part was the baptism. It is always great to see baptisms.
Monday, April 25, 2016
WEEK 42 - Photos
WEEK 42 - Update
This week was pretty good.
My companion went to Tegucigalpa on Tuesday for some immigration stuff so I went to our Zone Leaders' area to work with them. I was working with Elder Scott all day and it was a great day. We went and visited this lady and we ended up giving her a Book of Mormon and she gave us some books from her church. We contacted this guy and he asked us where we were from and told me that he thought I was like mixed. So I told him my dad was Colombian. Shoutout to my dad. He is the best and his birthday was yesterday, love you dad.
We went to visit a person and she couldn't listen to us but as we were leaving, her little tiny dog was following us and barking and then bit my leg. It didn't even hurt, but it was weird. We also visited the sons of a recent convert and they both will be getting baptized this Saturday.
Thursday we did the baptism interview for Josefina. I went and worked with Elder Maldonado. He is really great. He is pretty new in the mission and is full of energy and a great worker.
Friday we went to Choluteca to pick up a baptism dress for Josefina. We visited Alexander and Eduardo again, which was great. They are the sons of the recent convert. Then we visited this girl that has been investigating the church for quite a while and we had a pretty good lesson about the Spirit and we challenged her to be baptized and it looks pretty good with her.
Saturday we had the baptism for Josefina. It was great and in her little testimony, she said how grateful she was for us and how she knew the church was true. She used to hide from the Elders and now she gives us stuff every time we go there.
Sunday was pretty good. Church was pretty good. We went and visited one of our converts, Carmen. She had gone to the temple, which she had been waiting for for about 5 years. It started raining super hard, the power went out.
Hope you all have a great week.
Elder Baller
My companion went to Tegucigalpa on Tuesday for some immigration stuff so I went to our Zone Leaders' area to work with them. I was working with Elder Scott all day and it was a great day. We went and visited this lady and we ended up giving her a Book of Mormon and she gave us some books from her church. We contacted this guy and he asked us where we were from and told me that he thought I was like mixed. So I told him my dad was Colombian. Shoutout to my dad. He is the best and his birthday was yesterday, love you dad.
We went to visit a person and she couldn't listen to us but as we were leaving, her little tiny dog was following us and barking and then bit my leg. It didn't even hurt, but it was weird. We also visited the sons of a recent convert and they both will be getting baptized this Saturday.
Thursday we did the baptism interview for Josefina. I went and worked with Elder Maldonado. He is really great. He is pretty new in the mission and is full of energy and a great worker.
Friday we went to Choluteca to pick up a baptism dress for Josefina. We visited Alexander and Eduardo again, which was great. They are the sons of the recent convert. Then we visited this girl that has been investigating the church for quite a while and we had a pretty good lesson about the Spirit and we challenged her to be baptized and it looks pretty good with her.
Saturday we had the baptism for Josefina. It was great and in her little testimony, she said how grateful she was for us and how she knew the church was true. She used to hide from the Elders and now she gives us stuff every time we go there.
Sunday was pretty good. Church was pretty good. We went and visited one of our converts, Carmen. She had gone to the temple, which she had been waiting for for about 5 years. It started raining super hard, the power went out.
Hope you all have a great week.
Elder Baller
Monday, April 18, 2016
WEEK 41 - Q&A
1. Do you always have running water available in your house? Is it warm?
We have running water from about 6:45 until 8:00 in the morning and sometimes (very rarely) at night. It always comes out really hot. Which would have been nice in Danli but here it is a nightmare.
2. If you had to choose one of the two areas you've been in so far, and stay there the rest of your mission, which would you choose? And why?
I would choose Danli. And honestly, it is purely for the weather. It is waaaay too hot here. Like, I thought Utah got hot in the summer. Yeah no.
3. Do you eat all the same things in Choluteca that you did in Danli? We haven't heard about any baleadas lately.
Yeah we eat mostly the same things. The only difference is here there is a little more seafood because we are closer to the coast.
4. How many investigators came to church Sunday?
5. Best and worst parts of the week?
Best part was having 9 people at church, but the worst part was in Primary they ended up not giving a toy to one of our investigators and they gave one to all the other kids. So that was kind of a problem.
We have running water from about 6:45 until 8:00 in the morning and sometimes (very rarely) at night. It always comes out really hot. Which would have been nice in Danli but here it is a nightmare.
I would choose Danli. And honestly, it is purely for the weather. It is waaaay too hot here. Like, I thought Utah got hot in the summer. Yeah no.
3. Do you eat all the same things in Choluteca that you did in Danli? We haven't heard about any baleadas lately.
Yeah we eat mostly the same things. The only difference is here there is a little more seafood because we are closer to the coast.
4. How many investigators came to church Sunday?
5. Best and worst parts of the week?
Best part was having 9 people at church, but the worst part was in Primary they ended up not giving a toy to one of our investigators and they gave one to all the other kids. So that was kind of a problem.
WEEK 41 - Update
This week was alright.
Tuesday we visited an investigator named Kenia. We have been teaching her but we have never really gotten to know her, so we took that time to get to know her a little more and gain some confidence. She has a baptismal date for next week. We did some service for a lady in the ward. I was trimming trees with a machete, moving dirt with a shovel and moved a giant piece of concrete.
We visited a reference named Nina and she said she felt the Book of Mormon was true and promised us she would go to church. We also visited Josefina, our investigator that will be getting baptized this week.
We visited a lady named Cristela, she is very nice but she is waiting for an answer that she doesn't realize she already received. She is kinda hard to teach because she is really crazy and likes to talk a lot. We visited Sandy and her family. Sandy is a convert of about 3 months, she got baptized the week before I got here. We challenged her whole family to be baptized and they all said yes.
We had a really good district meeting on Friday and how we need to work with the Spirit to be able to teach.
We had a Family Home Evening with a family and another member. It was fun to have dinner and just talk about the gospel.
Sunday we had 9 investigators at church, which was fantastic. All of our investigators with baptism dates came to church. We went to a farewell for one of the missionaries in the ward. He left today, his actual mission is in Dominican Republic but he is waiting for a visa so he is serving in San Pedro Sula right now.
Hope you all have a fantastic week!
Elder Baller
Tuesday we visited an investigator named Kenia. We have been teaching her but we have never really gotten to know her, so we took that time to get to know her a little more and gain some confidence. She has a baptismal date for next week. We did some service for a lady in the ward. I was trimming trees with a machete, moving dirt with a shovel and moved a giant piece of concrete.
We visited a reference named Nina and she said she felt the Book of Mormon was true and promised us she would go to church. We also visited Josefina, our investigator that will be getting baptized this week.
We visited a lady named Cristela, she is very nice but she is waiting for an answer that she doesn't realize she already received. She is kinda hard to teach because she is really crazy and likes to talk a lot. We visited Sandy and her family. Sandy is a convert of about 3 months, she got baptized the week before I got here. We challenged her whole family to be baptized and they all said yes.
We had a really good district meeting on Friday and how we need to work with the Spirit to be able to teach.
We had a Family Home Evening with a family and another member. It was fun to have dinner and just talk about the gospel.
Sunday we had 9 investigators at church, which was fantastic. All of our investigators with baptism dates came to church. We went to a farewell for one of the missionaries in the ward. He left today, his actual mission is in Dominican Republic but he is waiting for a visa so he is serving in San Pedro Sula right now.
Hope you all have a fantastic week!
Elder Baller
Monday, April 11, 2016
WEEK 40 - Q&A
1. How often do you do service in your current area? What kinds do you do and is it mostly for members, investigators or others?
We don't do a whole lot in this area, we did a lot more in Danli. When we do it is normally just like cleaning something or carrying something. We try to serve everyone, it doesn't matter who.
2. How far do you have to travel to get to church? How do you get there?
We travel about 10 minutes in a mototaxi. It isn't super far.
3. In the pictures you sent with the kids making dirt pies, were those members? Neighbors? Random kids?
Those were the kids of members. We were visiting. They all love me.
4. You've mentioned a little bit about the lady who cooks for you. Tell us about her and her family - her name, husband, how many kids? Do you pay her for food and laundry?
Her name is Ana and her husband is Rudy. They have two girls. One that is 5 and a baby that is 4 months. We pay her for the food but she won't let me pay her for laundry.
5. Best and worst parts of the week?
Best part was finding a lot of new investigators this week and getting to know them and helping them. The worst part was getting sunburned...
We don't do a whole lot in this area, we did a lot more in Danli. When we do it is normally just like cleaning something or carrying something. We try to serve everyone, it doesn't matter who.
2. How far do you have to travel to get to church? How do you get there?
We travel about 10 minutes in a mototaxi. It isn't super far.
Those were the kids of members. We were visiting. They all love me.
4. You've mentioned a little bit about the lady who cooks for you. Tell us about her and her family - her name, husband, how many kids? Do you pay her for food and laundry?
Her name is Ana and her husband is Rudy. They have two girls. One that is 5 and a baby that is 4 months. We pay her for the food but she won't let me pay her for laundry.
5. Best and worst parts of the week?
Best part was finding a lot of new investigators this week and getting to know them and helping them. The worst part was getting sunburned...
WEEK 40 - Update
Just so everyone knows, If I were a girl, I would've completed half of my mission this week. This week was really really good.
Tuesday we contacted in the morning without any success, it was kind of frustrating but the rest of the day ended up being great. God sometimes gives us trials, but as long as we keep a smile on our faces He will always help us. We ended up looking for an old investigator that the missionaries taught before, and her niece was there as well. The niece, Karina, is pretty positive. She has a lot of questions and is interested. We also challenged Josefina to be baptized, and she accepted. She is going to be baptized next week.
We were doing some stuff in the morning, looking for papers so that one of our investigators can be married and then baptized. They cut out our power because they haven't given us reciepts so we didn't know how to pay or anything. We contacted two really good references, this work is a lot easier when you can work with members and they are willing to invite their friends to listen to us.
Thursday we visited Karina again. She is kinda hard to teach but she is a great listener and she has tons of questions. This guy in our ward came and connected the power again after we had payed the debt.
Friday I completed 9 months in the mission. We went and did some service in the morning, I got more sunburnt than I ever have been in my entire life. We contacted another reference of a family where part of them are members, we are working with the two youngest kids so that they can be baptized. We also visited Elena and she is very positive. She just works every other Sunday so it is hard for her to go to church. The Book of Mormon changes lives, she says that she feels it is true and is willing to do a lot based on that knowledge. I invite everyone to read the Book of Mormon. Read the last two paragraphs of the introduction and do what it says, just try it. Second challenge of the year right there.
Saturday was a very normal day.
Sunday we had planned to do divisions with some members but they both cancelled last second so we ended up trying to cover as many appointments as we could in as little of time. We had a great activity with a reference. Her name is Nely and she is pretty positive.
Hope you all have an excellent week.
Elder Baller
Tuesday we contacted in the morning without any success, it was kind of frustrating but the rest of the day ended up being great. God sometimes gives us trials, but as long as we keep a smile on our faces He will always help us. We ended up looking for an old investigator that the missionaries taught before, and her niece was there as well. The niece, Karina, is pretty positive. She has a lot of questions and is interested. We also challenged Josefina to be baptized, and she accepted. She is going to be baptized next week.
We were doing some stuff in the morning, looking for papers so that one of our investigators can be married and then baptized. They cut out our power because they haven't given us reciepts so we didn't know how to pay or anything. We contacted two really good references, this work is a lot easier when you can work with members and they are willing to invite their friends to listen to us.
Thursday we visited Karina again. She is kinda hard to teach but she is a great listener and she has tons of questions. This guy in our ward came and connected the power again after we had payed the debt.
Friday I completed 9 months in the mission. We went and did some service in the morning, I got more sunburnt than I ever have been in my entire life. We contacted another reference of a family where part of them are members, we are working with the two youngest kids so that they can be baptized. We also visited Elena and she is very positive. She just works every other Sunday so it is hard for her to go to church. The Book of Mormon changes lives, she says that she feels it is true and is willing to do a lot based on that knowledge. I invite everyone to read the Book of Mormon. Read the last two paragraphs of the introduction and do what it says, just try it. Second challenge of the year right there.
Saturday was a very normal day.
Sunday we had planned to do divisions with some members but they both cancelled last second so we ended up trying to cover as many appointments as we could in as little of time. We had a great activity with a reference. Her name is Nely and she is pretty positive.
Hope you all have an excellent week.
Elder Baller
Monday, April 4, 2016
WEEK 39 - Q&A
1. Is April Fools Day a thing there?
Ummm I had forgotten so obviously not haha.
2. About how many people watched conference with you at the stake center? Any investigators?
We watched it in English and there were 9 of us, but on sunday morning I would say about 300ish people came. Five of our investigators came.
3. What was your favorite conference talk(s) and why?
I loved Elder Holland's talk, he is always so direct and precise. It was a great way to finish a wonderful weekend.
4. (From Andrew) What is the craziest hairstyle you have seen in Honduras?
I saw a kid with a music note shaved into the side of his head...
5. (From Andrew) What is the fanciest (most advanced) piece of technology you have used on your mission?
Ummm I had forgotten so obviously not haha.
2. About how many people watched conference with you at the stake center? Any investigators?
We watched it in English and there were 9 of us, but on sunday morning I would say about 300ish people came. Five of our investigators came.
3. What was your favorite conference talk(s) and why?
I loved Elder Holland's talk, he is always so direct and precise. It was a great way to finish a wonderful weekend.
4. (From Andrew) What is the craziest hairstyle you have seen in Honduras?
I saw a kid with a music note shaved into the side of his head...
5. (From Andrew) What is the fanciest (most advanced) piece of technology you have used on your mission?
Galaxy S6 I think....
WEEK 39 - Photos
WEEK 39 - Update
This week was pretty good.
Tuesday one of our investigators told us she didn't want us to come back anymore. It is really hard to let people go, but I have the faith and hope that she will accept the Gospel in the future. We also found a new investigator, Elena, she accepted a baptism challenge and a Book of Mormon.
Wednesday we had an appointment with one of our investigators, Kenia. She told us that she felt it was true and accepted a baptism date. She will be getting baptized next week, on the 16th.
Thursday we met with a lady named Josefina. She is the grandma of a recent convert that got baptized about three months ago. The grandma is interested and said she wants to get baptized so we are working with her.
Friday we visited Frederman, a guy that has been investigating the church for a looong time. We finally organized an activity so that he can be married, his wife is already a member. And then after that he can get baptized. We are planning the wedding for this week or next week.
We had General Conference on Saturday. We missed Priesthood Session because we had an activity planned where a member invited his friends over and we watched a video about Jesus Christ and then put some appointments with them. We ended up getting 4 new investigators from the activity.
Sunday we had General Conference again. 5 of our investigators showed up Sunday morning, which was fantastic. We taught a lesson with a new investigator that a member had brought to conference, Cristela. She is very positive and also accepted a baptism challenge.
Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Baller
Tuesday one of our investigators told us she didn't want us to come back anymore. It is really hard to let people go, but I have the faith and hope that she will accept the Gospel in the future. We also found a new investigator, Elena, she accepted a baptism challenge and a Book of Mormon.
Wednesday we had an appointment with one of our investigators, Kenia. She told us that she felt it was true and accepted a baptism date. She will be getting baptized next week, on the 16th.
Thursday we met with a lady named Josefina. She is the grandma of a recent convert that got baptized about three months ago. The grandma is interested and said she wants to get baptized so we are working with her.
Friday we visited Frederman, a guy that has been investigating the church for a looong time. We finally organized an activity so that he can be married, his wife is already a member. And then after that he can get baptized. We are planning the wedding for this week or next week.
We had General Conference on Saturday. We missed Priesthood Session because we had an activity planned where a member invited his friends over and we watched a video about Jesus Christ and then put some appointments with them. We ended up getting 4 new investigators from the activity.
Sunday we had General Conference again. 5 of our investigators showed up Sunday morning, which was fantastic. We taught a lesson with a new investigator that a member had brought to conference, Cristela. She is very positive and also accepted a baptism challenge.
Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Baller