Monday, April 11, 2016

WEEK 40 - Update

Just so everyone knows, If I were a girl, I would've completed half of my mission this week. This week was really really good.

Tuesday we contacted in the morning without any success, it was kind of frustrating but the rest of the day ended up being great. God sometimes gives us trials, but as long as we keep a smile on our faces He will always help us. We ended up looking for an old investigator that the missionaries taught before, and her niece was there as well. The niece, Karina, is pretty positive. She has a lot of questions and is interested. We also challenged Josefina to be baptized, and she accepted. She is going to be baptized next week.

We were doing some stuff in the morning, looking for papers so that one of our investigators can be married and then baptized. They cut out our power because they haven't given us reciepts so we didn't know how to pay or anything. We contacted two really good references, this work is a lot easier when you can work with members and they are willing to invite their friends to listen to us.

Thursday we visited Karina again. She is kinda hard to teach but she is a great listener and she has tons of questions. This guy in our ward came and connected the power again after we had payed the debt.

Friday I completed 9 months in the mission. We went and did some service in the morning, I got more sunburnt than I ever have been in my entire life. We contacted another reference of a family where part of them are members, we are working with the two youngest kids so that they can be baptized. We also visited Elena and she is very positive. She just works every other Sunday so it is hard for her to go to church. The Book of Mormon changes lives, she says that she feels it is true and is willing to do a lot based on that knowledge. I invite everyone to read the Book of Mormon. Read the last two paragraphs of the introduction and do what it says, just try it. Second challenge of the year right there.

Saturday was a very normal day.

Sunday we had planned to do divisions with some members but they both cancelled last second so we ended up trying to cover as many appointments as we could in as little of time. We had a great activity with a reference. Her name is Nely and she is pretty positive.

Hope you all have an excellent week.
Elder Baller

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