Monday, April 4, 2016

WEEK 39 - Q&A

1. Is April Fools Day a thing there? 
Ummm I had forgotten so obviously not haha.

2. About how many people watched conference with you at the stake center? Any investigators?
We watched it in English and there were 9 of us, but on sunday morning I would say about 300ish people came. Five of our investigators came.

3. What was your favorite conference talk(s) and why?
I loved Elder Holland's talk, he is always so direct and precise. It was a great way to finish a wonderful weekend.

4. (From Andrew) What is the craziest hairstyle you have seen in Honduras?
I saw a kid with a music note shaved into the side of his head...

5. (From Andrew) What is the fanciest (most advanced) piece of technology you have used on your mission?
Galaxy S6 I think....

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