Monday, April 18, 2016

WEEK 41 - Update

This week was alright.

Tuesday we visited an investigator named Kenia. We have been teaching her but we have never really gotten to know her, so we took that time to get to know her a little more and gain some confidence. She has a baptismal date for next week. We did some service for a lady in the ward. I was trimming trees with a machete, moving dirt with a shovel and moved a giant piece of concrete.

We visited a reference named Nina and she said she felt the Book of Mormon was true and promised us she would go to church. We also visited Josefina, our investigator that will be getting baptized this week.

We visited a lady named Cristela, she is very nice but she is waiting for an answer that she doesn't realize she already received. She is kinda hard to teach because she is really crazy and likes to talk a lot. We visited Sandy and her family. Sandy is a convert of about 3 months, she got baptized the week before I got here. We challenged her whole family to be baptized and they all said yes.

We had a really good district meeting on Friday and how we need to work with the Spirit to be able to teach.

We had a Family Home Evening with a family and another member. It was fun to have dinner and just talk about the gospel.

Sunday we had 9 investigators at church, which was fantastic. All of our investigators with baptism dates came to church. We went to a farewell for one of the missionaries in the ward. He left today, his actual mission is in Dominican Republic but he is waiting for a visa so he is serving in San Pedro Sula right now.

Hope you all have a fantastic week!
Elder Baller

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