Monday, April 25, 2016

WEEK 42 - Q&A

1. If the Weather Channel is correct, it is rainy there this week, which seems to have cooled it down to about 95 degrees. Describe a rainy day there... what do you do differently, if anything? Do you wear your rubber shoe covers? Have you used your shoe dryer? Do you like when it rains? How do you make sure all of your stuff stays dry?
It is hot. We don't do anything different. We work rain or shine. I haven't used anything cause it has only rained once. But May is winter so it will rain a lot in May. It is still super hot.

2. Is crime an issue in Choluteca or is it pretty safe? What precautions do you take to avoid being robbed?
Here it is pretty safe. Nothing every really happens. We just do the normal stuff like not walk late at night, stay in the light, and not carry too heavy bags.

3. What is the most beautiful thing you've seen in your current area?
In one part of our area there are TONS of mango trees. Like tons. It is so awesome and right now is mango season so they are all falling.

4. When are changes? Are you hoping to be transferred or would you like to stay put?
Changes are the 10th of May. I am staying here for sure so I will be receiving someone else. I am super excited to keep working here.

5. What was the best part of your week?
The best part was the baptism. It is always great to see baptisms.

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