Monday, April 18, 2016

WEEK 41 - Q&A

1. Do you always have running water available in your house? Is it warm?
We have running water from about 6:45 until 8:00 in the morning and sometimes (very rarely) at night. It always comes out really hot. Which would have been nice in Danli but here it is a nightmare.

2. If you had to choose one of the two areas you've been in so far, and stay there the rest of your mission, which would you choose? And why?
I would choose Danli. And honestly, it is purely for the weather. It is waaaay too hot here. Like, I thought Utah got hot in the summer. Yeah no.

3. Do you eat all the same things in Choluteca that you did in Danli? We haven't heard about any baleadas lately.
Yeah we eat mostly the same things. The only difference is here there is a little more seafood because we are closer to the coast.

4. How many investigators came to church  Sunday?

5. Best and worst parts of the week?
Best part was having 9 people at church, but the worst part was in Primary they ended up not giving a toy to one of our investigators and they gave one to all the other kids. So that was kind of a problem.

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