Monday, February 29, 2016

WEEK 34 - Q&A

1. What is something you do every day on your mission that you never did at home?
Ummm study the scriptures. I was alright in studying before the mission but now I study every day.

2. As your friends, cousins and brother prepare for their missions, what is advice you can give them to prepare for missionary work?
GET TO KNOW THE SCRIPTURES! If you don't have a firm testimony of the gospel, get it.

3. Someone asked if you ever get cold drinks there? 
Yeah we usually try to get cold stuff. The thing is you have to drink it fast here cause it heats up really quick.

4. What is your favorite thing about your companion?
He uses the Book of Mormon really really well.

5. When are the next changes? Do you think you and Elder Quintanilla will stay together? 
The last week of March. I don't think we will be together still, I think he will have changes, but we'll see.

WEEK 34 - Photos

The daughter of the lady who cooks for us. She's so cute!

Her name is Emily. She loves to smile. 
This is the meetinghouse for the Zone Leaders' ward. This is the stake center.


Service is so fun

No honestly, I love it

This is a mototaxi. This is life in Honduras. On the way to church, crammed in a moto.

WEEK 34 Update

This week was alright.

My companion was feeling really tired so he called the nurse and she told him to rest. We visited an investigator that is awesome named Santiago. He is living with some members and so we have started to teach him.

Wednesday we were in divisiones with our Zone Leaders, I went with Elder Scott. It was great to be able to work with him and learn so much from him.

We didn't work a whole lot today either, my companion was starting to get sick so we kinda took it easy.

We had a zone meeting and one of the elders taught an awesome class about the Priesthood. Made me realize that we have been called of God, we have His power, and we should use it.

We did some service in the morning. I was using a pick axe. That was pretty sweet. My hands are super blistered. We visited some members.

My companion was actually sick today. He has a fever, so we stayed home and then went and stayed and the Zone Leaders house.

Hope everyone had a great week!
Elder Baller

Monday, February 22, 2016

WEEK 33 - Photos


How's it going?

Deep in thought

Taking a walk

Welcome to my area



Little trail

WEEK 33 - Q&A

Elder Baller's Q&A is brought to you by his aunts and uncles again. :)

1. (Sharon) What is the toothpaste like there?
It is made from the sweat and blended up skin of cows. It is actually surprisingly really good and cleans really well. JK! The toothpaste here is actually imported from the States, I am using Crest. LOL.

2. (Diane) Do you ever have days where you don't feel like working? What helps you on those days?
I honestly don't have too many days like that. I love the work so much, I love seeing the changes that we help people make, I love seeing the joy when people finally find the thing they didn't even know they were looking for, I love that all so much that the tiredness and stuff doesn't really bother me.

3. (Diane) Who cuts your hair?
We usually just go to a barber shop. But it is very different from the States. They used a shaver, like normal. But they cut the edges and everything with a razor blade, like what you would think in the Olden Days (LOL), it is super duper cool.

4. (Diane) If you could have one American food that is not available there, what would it be?
Zupas. I just want Zupas. Enjoy it while you can.

5. (Sharon) What is the most common question you are asked about life in America?
Do you have trees of Dollars in your backyard? That's not even a joke. I have been asked that about 300,000,483 times.

6. (Diane) Do people there associate Utah with Mormons?
They actually do. They always call it the factory of missionaries. The members more because people that aren't really familiar with the church don't really know. But yes.

7. (Ryan) Has the spirit touched your heart and blessed you with a desire to stop cheering for the Lakers?
Never. LOL.

WEEK 33 Update

This week was really good.

Tuesday was kinda a rough day of work and everything. We didn't really get a whole lot done and we didn't really have a whole lot of success.

Wednesday we contacted a lot. I actually ended up contacting a blind person and a deaf person, which was kind of interesting. We found this lady and she didn't seem very interested but we started to talk about The Plan of Salvation and that she has a greater purpose in this life than what she thinks and she really got interested.

We had weekly planning and then we went to eat lunch. I tried liver for the first time and it was actually really good.

Friday I was talking with our Zone Leader, Elder Scott, and we like all the same things. It was cool to talk to him. We talk an investigator we had found last week and he is really positive, we taught him about the Book of Mormon and he really liked it. We also found a new investigator and taught him the Restoration, that was really cool and it was one of the best lessons we have taught together.

We taught a recent convert, Sandy, about blessings and gave her one because she is really sick. It was a really cool experience to see the faith of someone who doesn't know a whole lot. (She got baptized three weeks ago)

We had 7 investigators at church, which was fantastic. My companion ended up teaching Gospel Principles, and he did that super good.

Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Baller

Monday, February 15, 2016

WEEK 32 - Q&A

1. Explain how your area works. Is the city in Choluteca? Or is that just the area and you are in a smaller town outside Choluteca?
It is super far away from everything and that is really weird because my area in Danli was basically the city. We are super far away from anything and it is like a tiny little town.

2. How big is your area? Compare it to Danli.
It is probably about the same or a little smaller. The only difference is that here everything is connected, in Danli we had to travel a lot to get to everything. Here we don't do that as much.

3. Do you visit different parts of your area on specific days like you did in Danli?
Yeah we have two areas because they closed one so we absorbed that part. We go there every other day.

4. You said you pay someone to cook for you. Does she provide three meals a day? What kinds of things do you have?
She gives us lunch everyday and then dinner twice a week. We eat whatever she cooks. Rice, beans, noodles, chicken, basically everything.

5. Because this was such a popular question in Danli, we'll ask it again for your current area. What is the best smell you've smelled since there? And the worst?
I'll be honest, there isn't anything that really smells to great here. There are so many animals all over, cows, sheep, goats, horses, that it isn't too great smelling anywhere...

WEEK 32 Update

This week was pretty alright.

We did some service by helping move dirt with a wheelbarrow and shovels. It's hot here. Wow that was hard work. We had a really good lesson with an investigator, she has a little bit of trouble taking things seriously so we had a lesson where we basically just went pure testimony and the Spirit was so strong and she finally realized that we are serious. Also the lights went out because it is so windy that it knocked down a light pole.

We helped one of our investigators with her English homework, that was really fun. We had a lesson with a less active family, they are really cool and they love us so much.

Thursday we found this really great family while we were knocking doors. They are super positive.

Friday we found this lady that just wanted to fight and we just taught her totally calm and it threw her off a lot.

We found this kid that is 18 while we were contacting, he is really positive and understood everything and liked it. I tried beets for the first time, they are so so good.

Sunday we went to church, this ward is really small. The rest of the day was really normal.

Hope everyone had a great week. Happy late Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 8, 2016

WEEK 31 - Photos

 So happy to get photos from Elder Baller his first week in Choluteca. Such a good boy to send photos of his new house without even being asked. :)

Right when we got to our new house
This is basically what our whole area looks like

Bag of water

My comp's bathroom

My bathroom

The house

Study table

Storage room with bathroom inside

Bathroom is to the left



WEEK 31 - Q&A

1. Tell us about Elder Quintanar! Where is he from? What is he like? What is his first name? 
Well I said wrong. He is actually Elder Quintanilla. He is from California and he speaks English, which is great. He is very creative and he loves to draw. I actually don't know his name...

2. What is one thing you love about Choluteca so far?
The people are really, really humble.

3. How was your new ward? How is it different from your ward in Danli?
It is awesome. All the members are great. The ward is just a lot smaller, but other than that it isn't a whole lot different.

4. What is your house/apartment like in Choluteca? 
We have a house. The house is actually really nice. It is just super hot.

5. What is a blessing you have felt this week?
I haven't struggled too bad with changing areas. I thought it would be really hard to leave Danli and start over again but it hasn't been too bad.

WEEK 31 - First week in Choluteca!

Tuesday I was in the Buena Esperanza all day because Elder Valladares had to go to Tegus to pick up his new companion. That was really hard because I wasn't able to spend the day saying goodbye to people. I ended up helping one of the companionships move houses. Then we went and taught one lesson, and then went to dinner at a members house. It was kinda a rough day because I felt like I was wasting time doing nothing but dinner was great. The daughter of the family, named Maria Celeste was talking to me and she is hilarious. I actually ended up leaving a little letter with the Elders for her because we became friends.

Wednesday we were in a bus basically all day. 2 hours from Danli to Tegus, and about 4 hours from Tegus to Choluteca. We finally arrived at about 5 and I met my new companion, Elder Quintanilla. The area is pretty great, it is all like little houses and dirt roads. There aren't any like towns.

Thursday we visited a lot of people, I don't really know anyone's name because I am new and it is hard to remember, but the area looks awesome and the people are super humble. It is super super hot here. All the time.

Friday we had a zone meeting, which was good. We worked and then the last appointment we had was with a less active family. It was great and we got along really well.

We eat at a member's house all the time. We just pay her a certain amount every two weeks and she cooks for us all the time. We were working in an area that is pretty far away. I don't really know what anything is called so...

We went to church. This ward is about half the size as the ward in Danli, but it is just as good. The building is tiny. I had to bear my testimony, which wasn't too bad. We went to an investigator's house and she gave us mangos. They are weird. Super sour.

Overall a good week. It is super hot here and you just walk outside and start sweating, but I love it so far.

Monday, February 1, 2016

WEEK 30 - Q&A

1. What are the requirements for teaching a girl/woman? Can you teach her alone, or do the sister missionaries have to teach with/for you?
Honestly the Elders can basically do whatever they want in that aspect. The hermanas can't knock doors because it is a little dangerous but we can basically teach anyone if we feel good about it.

2. Name three things you will miss about Danli.
The members. Like the friends I have made. Especially the people my age. The weather. Choluteca is super super hot and I will be getting there right as it starts getting blazing. And the ward. We have one of the best wards in the mission.

3. It seems that you and Elder Valladares have a lot of moments of laughter. What's another one that caused you to laugh out loud this week.
I have trouble remembering the things that make us laugh. We were on a bus and we saw a terrible music video that we were just making fun of the whole time.

4. Do you have to have all of your stuff packed up each time there are changes, just in case? Or do you pack up after you know you are being transferred?
I still haven't packed anything and I leave on Wednesday... so... you just wait until you know. You actually normally know that you are leaving beforehand.

5. Do you usually end up speaking/teaching at church? 
Because our ward is so great, we usually don't end up doing a whole lot. Just teaching Gospel Principles.

WEEK 30 - Changes!

Well this week (my last week in Danli) was pretty fantastic!

Tuesday we finally got back to working for real. We have a goal to open our mouths 24 times a day and we are working really hard with that. We talk with tons of people. Lots of rejections but it is all worth it when we find a prepared person. We met a Hebrew lady that we couldn't teach because it is against her religion. Weird.

Wednesday was normal. We are still opening our mouths as much as we can. President always says we didn't come to walk, we came to talk.

Thursday we contacted (knocked doors) for a loooong time. The last door we knocked was these two people that are really positive and they accepted everything perfectly. The last appointment we had was with this lady and we were teaching the Book of Mormon and she was just saying no no no no no and rejecting everything even though we taught it almost perfectly.

Friday we went to Paraiso to do a baptism interview. That was normal. We went to the missionary coordination meeting (my last here). We were taking pictures after which was really fun.

Saturday was normal too. All our appointments were dropping like flies so we ended up improvising a bunch.

Sunday was hard. A seventy, Elder Ocampo, came and talked in sacrament, that was really good. Amanda, the mom of two of my converts, came to church, which surprised us cause she has been sick. I taught Gospel Principles, about eternal marriage.... awkward. The first thing I said was, Well the theme of the class today is really great, but a little weird since I am a missionary. LOL. I ended up having to say goodbye to a couple people because they leave during the week. That was really hard.

Today has been good. And my next area is Yusguare in Choluteca. I am going to be with Elder Quintanar. And Elder Valladares is going to train! So awesome!

Have a fantastic week!
Elder Baller

Extra Photos from Danli

Elder Baller uploaded these extra photos. Enjoy! There are some good ones in here, but no captions.