Monday, February 1, 2016

WEEK 30 - Q&A

1. What are the requirements for teaching a girl/woman? Can you teach her alone, or do the sister missionaries have to teach with/for you?
Honestly the Elders can basically do whatever they want in that aspect. The hermanas can't knock doors because it is a little dangerous but we can basically teach anyone if we feel good about it.

2. Name three things you will miss about Danli.
The members. Like the friends I have made. Especially the people my age. The weather. Choluteca is super super hot and I will be getting there right as it starts getting blazing. And the ward. We have one of the best wards in the mission.

3. It seems that you and Elder Valladares have a lot of moments of laughter. What's another one that caused you to laugh out loud this week.
I have trouble remembering the things that make us laugh. We were on a bus and we saw a terrible music video that we were just making fun of the whole time.

4. Do you have to have all of your stuff packed up each time there are changes, just in case? Or do you pack up after you know you are being transferred?
I still haven't packed anything and I leave on Wednesday... so... you just wait until you know. You actually normally know that you are leaving beforehand.

5. Do you usually end up speaking/teaching at church? 
Because our ward is so great, we usually don't end up doing a whole lot. Just teaching Gospel Principles.

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