Monday, February 1, 2016

WEEK 30 - Changes!

Well this week (my last week in Danli) was pretty fantastic!

Tuesday we finally got back to working for real. We have a goal to open our mouths 24 times a day and we are working really hard with that. We talk with tons of people. Lots of rejections but it is all worth it when we find a prepared person. We met a Hebrew lady that we couldn't teach because it is against her religion. Weird.

Wednesday was normal. We are still opening our mouths as much as we can. President always says we didn't come to walk, we came to talk.

Thursday we contacted (knocked doors) for a loooong time. The last door we knocked was these two people that are really positive and they accepted everything perfectly. The last appointment we had was with this lady and we were teaching the Book of Mormon and she was just saying no no no no no and rejecting everything even though we taught it almost perfectly.

Friday we went to Paraiso to do a baptism interview. That was normal. We went to the missionary coordination meeting (my last here). We were taking pictures after which was really fun.

Saturday was normal too. All our appointments were dropping like flies so we ended up improvising a bunch.

Sunday was hard. A seventy, Elder Ocampo, came and talked in sacrament, that was really good. Amanda, the mom of two of my converts, came to church, which surprised us cause she has been sick. I taught Gospel Principles, about eternal marriage.... awkward. The first thing I said was, Well the theme of the class today is really great, but a little weird since I am a missionary. LOL. I ended up having to say goodbye to a couple people because they leave during the week. That was really hard.

Today has been good. And my next area is Yusguare in Choluteca. I am going to be with Elder Quintanar. And Elder Valladares is going to train! So awesome!

Have a fantastic week!
Elder Baller

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