Monday, February 22, 2016

WEEK 33 Update

This week was really good.

Tuesday was kinda a rough day of work and everything. We didn't really get a whole lot done and we didn't really have a whole lot of success.

Wednesday we contacted a lot. I actually ended up contacting a blind person and a deaf person, which was kind of interesting. We found this lady and she didn't seem very interested but we started to talk about The Plan of Salvation and that she has a greater purpose in this life than what she thinks and she really got interested.

We had weekly planning and then we went to eat lunch. I tried liver for the first time and it was actually really good.

Friday I was talking with our Zone Leader, Elder Scott, and we like all the same things. It was cool to talk to him. We talk an investigator we had found last week and he is really positive, we taught him about the Book of Mormon and he really liked it. We also found a new investigator and taught him the Restoration, that was really cool and it was one of the best lessons we have taught together.

We taught a recent convert, Sandy, about blessings and gave her one because she is really sick. It was a really cool experience to see the faith of someone who doesn't know a whole lot. (She got baptized three weeks ago)

We had 7 investigators at church, which was fantastic. My companion ended up teaching Gospel Principles, and he did that super good.

Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Baller

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