Monday, February 15, 2016

WEEK 32 Update

This week was pretty alright.

We did some service by helping move dirt with a wheelbarrow and shovels. It's hot here. Wow that was hard work. We had a really good lesson with an investigator, she has a little bit of trouble taking things seriously so we had a lesson where we basically just went pure testimony and the Spirit was so strong and she finally realized that we are serious. Also the lights went out because it is so windy that it knocked down a light pole.

We helped one of our investigators with her English homework, that was really fun. We had a lesson with a less active family, they are really cool and they love us so much.

Thursday we found this really great family while we were knocking doors. They are super positive.

Friday we found this lady that just wanted to fight and we just taught her totally calm and it threw her off a lot.

We found this kid that is 18 while we were contacting, he is really positive and understood everything and liked it. I tried beets for the first time, they are so so good.

Sunday we went to church, this ward is really small. The rest of the day was really normal.

Hope everyone had a great week. Happy late Valentine's Day!

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