Monday, February 8, 2016

WEEK 31 - First week in Choluteca!

Tuesday I was in the Buena Esperanza all day because Elder Valladares had to go to Tegus to pick up his new companion. That was really hard because I wasn't able to spend the day saying goodbye to people. I ended up helping one of the companionships move houses. Then we went and taught one lesson, and then went to dinner at a members house. It was kinda a rough day because I felt like I was wasting time doing nothing but dinner was great. The daughter of the family, named Maria Celeste was talking to me and she is hilarious. I actually ended up leaving a little letter with the Elders for her because we became friends.

Wednesday we were in a bus basically all day. 2 hours from Danli to Tegus, and about 4 hours from Tegus to Choluteca. We finally arrived at about 5 and I met my new companion, Elder Quintanilla. The area is pretty great, it is all like little houses and dirt roads. There aren't any like towns.

Thursday we visited a lot of people, I don't really know anyone's name because I am new and it is hard to remember, but the area looks awesome and the people are super humble. It is super super hot here. All the time.

Friday we had a zone meeting, which was good. We worked and then the last appointment we had was with a less active family. It was great and we got along really well.

We eat at a member's house all the time. We just pay her a certain amount every two weeks and she cooks for us all the time. We were working in an area that is pretty far away. I don't really know what anything is called so...

We went to church. This ward is about half the size as the ward in Danli, but it is just as good. The building is tiny. I had to bear my testimony, which wasn't too bad. We went to an investigator's house and she gave us mangos. They are weird. Super sour.

Overall a good week. It is super hot here and you just walk outside and start sweating, but I love it so far.

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