Monday, February 29, 2016

WEEK 34 Update

This week was alright.

My companion was feeling really tired so he called the nurse and she told him to rest. We visited an investigator that is awesome named Santiago. He is living with some members and so we have started to teach him.

Wednesday we were in divisiones with our Zone Leaders, I went with Elder Scott. It was great to be able to work with him and learn so much from him.

We didn't work a whole lot today either, my companion was starting to get sick so we kinda took it easy.

We had a zone meeting and one of the elders taught an awesome class about the Priesthood. Made me realize that we have been called of God, we have His power, and we should use it.

We did some service in the morning. I was using a pick axe. That was pretty sweet. My hands are super blistered. We visited some members.

My companion was actually sick today. He has a fever, so we stayed home and then went and stayed and the Zone Leaders house.

Hope everyone had a great week!
Elder Baller

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